



These general terms and conditions of use, together with the Privacy and Data Protection Policy, do govern the access to the website www.teameq.net (hereinafter, the Web Site) and the use of the platform TeamEQ by the User, as well as contracting services through it.

According to Article 10 of Spanish Organic Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we provide you with the following information:

This portal, https://teameq.net, is the Web Site in Internet of the company THE EQ PROJECT INTERNATIONAL, S.L. (hereinafter, TeamEQ).

THE EQ PROJECT INTERNATIONAL, S.L. is a Spanish company with its registered office at Avenida del Jardín Botánico No. 1345, Office 1, Parque Científico Tecnológico de Gijón, Zona Intra, 33203 Gijón, Spain. It holds the Spanish Tax Identification Number (CIF) B66415977 and is registered with the Commercial Register of Asturias, in Volume 4468, Sheet 79, Page AS-58132, Entry 6. For inquiries, contact [email protected].

 Users of this portal may contact TeamEQ by means of written communication addressed to its corporate domicile or email address, as stated above. Users who register without an email address can contact TeamEQ by identifying themselves with their name, surname, and the name of the company they work for.

TeamEQ is a multiplatform software dealing with teams analysis and management that allow the User, upon registration, to introduce and store data in a completely safe cloud environment *, allowing access to those data at any moment and from any place.

By accepting these General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, the User acquires a non-exclusive, revocable and non-assignable license of use on the software TeamEQ he use of the TeamEQ software shall require to contract a license of use under particular terms and conditions of use that may be changed or updated at any time.

THE EQ PROJECT INTERNATIONAL, S.L is the sole owner and holder of the exploitation rights of the TeamEQ software as well as of the website www.TeamEQ.net. The Web Site allows Users to get registered for free and to subscribe to a license of use of the TeamEQ software.

The access to the website is free unless the cost related to connection through the telecommunication network provider contracted by the users. The access to the TeamEQ platform and services is exclusive for our customers and its access is limited. Services rendered by the company through the TeamEQ platform are priced according to what is stated in the proposal of services and shall be supplied through the Portal service.

The use of the Portal assigns the condition of user of the Portal (hereinafter, the ‘User’) and involves the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The provision of the Portal service has a duration limited to the moment in which the User is connected to the Portal or to any of the services provided through it. Consequently, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice every time he/she is using the Portal, given that it and the conditions of use set forth in this Legal Notice can be modified at any time.

Some Portal services that are available for Internet users or exclusive for company customers may be submitted to particular conditions, regulations and instructions that, if appropriate, may replace, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice and that shall be accepted by the User before starting the corresponding provision of services.


All contents of the Portal, including but not limited to, texts, photographies, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or audio content, as well as its graphic design and source code (hereinafter, the “Content”) are the intellectual property of TeamEQ or third parties. No exploitation rights on them recognized by current legislation on intellectual property shall be deemed transferred to any User, except those which are strictly necessary for the use of the Portal.

All trademarks, trade names or distinguishing marks are owned by TeamEQ or third parties and in no case it shall be construed that access to the Portal confers any rights on said trademarks, trade names and / or distinguishing marks.



Users undertake to make a proper use of the Portal in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice. Users shall be liable before TeamEQ or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of an infringement of this obligation.

The use of the Portal for injurious purposes to property or interests of TeamEQ or third parties, or that in any other way may overload, damage or disable networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or products and computer applications (software) of TeamEQ or third parties, is expressly prohibited.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, Users declare to be of legal age, to have read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy governing the use of the Website and the hiring of the Software, to have understood them and accepted them as well as to have the capacity to subscribe them.

The data entered by the user must be truthful and accurate. If a password is assigned to the registered User, he/she shall be the only responsible at all times for its custody and the maintenance of its secrecy, thus being the User the only responsible for any damages that might arise from its misuse, as well as its transfer, disclosure or loss. To this end, access to restricted areas and/or use of services and/or contents performed under the password of a registered User shall be deemed executed by such registered User, who shall respond in every case for such access and use.

It is expressly prohibited to use another user’s password and have access to the account of another user. The same obligation applies to Users registered without an email address and password, who access using a username and a Personal Code (a unique alphanumeric code provided by the company to allow access to TeamEQ even without a corporate or equivalent email address).The attempt to enter into other Users’ accounts from within the platform shall be considered illegal and TeamEQ shall inform about these facts to the competent judicial and police authorities.

In the case of shared use of an electronic device (PC, tablet, or other) to access TeamEQ services, it is the sole responsibility of the User to log out.

These General Terms and Conditions govern, together with the Privacy Policy, the access and use of the TeamEQ software by the User, whether it is executed through the Website, or through any other application for mobile devices or any other devices or media that TeamEQ may develop and make available to the Users in order to use the TeamEQ software.

Certain uses of the Software may be supplemented, modified or replaced by TeamEQ by including specific terms and conditions that shall prevail in all of its terms and conditions on these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, which TeamEQ shall previously communicate to the User in a clear and express manner.

The User shall not get registered as a User and shall not be able to use the TeamEQ software without previously having accepted these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

The use of the Website confers the status of Website User and entails the acceptance of all the terms contained in these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy and of all the obligations resulting from them for the User.


The process of obtaining the non-exclusive license of use on the TeamEQ software by the User is as follows:

Users shall have access to the website https://www.TeamEQ.net. Users shall click the tab “Register” and duly fill in all the gaps required. Users shall expressly accept these General Terms and Conditions by clicking “Accept. Create a new account”. During this process and previous to the license contracting, these General Terms and Conditions as well as the Privacy Policy shall be put at User’s disposal. TeamEQ recommends the User to read them carefully before accepting them, the User having the possibility to store and file and even print all of them. It is not possible to get registered without having accepted the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy first. The system shall send a confirmation email to the email address provided just confirming the contracting of services in detail. Upon clicking the email confirmation the User’s account shall be activated. The Company reserves the right not to accept any of the applications received and in such event the email confirmation shall clearly specify it.

Obtaining the license of use on the Software is not possible until previous acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Upon completion of the license of use between TeamEQ and the User, the User shall receive a confirmation email in order to validate its e-mail address. Upon validation, the User shall be able to use the Software. The User is the only responsible of the confidentiality of his/her password.

The User registered with name and Personal Code (therefore without email address and password), will not receive any email confirming the contracting of services or activation of the account or validation of the email address. It is not possible for the User registered with name and Personal Code to use the software without having accepted the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy at the time of entering the User’s personal profiling data.

Termination events

This agreement shall expire in the following cases: Mutual agreements between the User and TeamEQ, which shall be managed by e-mail to the address [email protected] or to the User’s email. User’s unilateral withdrawal, which shall be notified to TeamEQ via email to the address [email protected] at least 15 days in advance. Completion of the term of duration. Default by any of the parties of its own obligations. In this case, the party in compliance shall notify the alleged default to the defaulting party in writing. The defaulting party shall have a period of 15 days to amend the reported default. Otherwise, the complaining party shall be entitled to declare this agreement void. Non-payment of the Services by the User. In this case, the Company shall send an email notifying said default in payment within the 15 days following the effective default. If during this period the situation is not amended, TeamEQ shall send a second notice within the 15 days following the prior notice. TeamEQ shall submit a third and final warning email within the 15 days following the second notice and shall be entitled to exercise all legal actions it deems appropriate.


User agrees to use the Content in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice, as well as pursuant to the other conditions, regulations and instructions that, if appropriate, might be applied in accordance with the provisions of clause 1. Users in accordance with current legislation shall refrain from:

  • Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, publicising, transforming or modifying the Content, except as permitted by law or expressly allowed by TeamEQ or by who may hold the ownership of the rights of exploitation, if appropriate.
  • Reproducing or copying for private use the Content that may be deemed as Software or Database according to current legislation on intellectual property matters, as well as public communication or availability to third parties when such acts necessarily may involve the reproduction by the User or by a third party.
  • Extracting and / or reusing all or a substantial part of the Content of the Portal as well as the databases that TeamEQ may make available to Users.

Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 5 of this Legal Notice, as well as the privacy policies being available from the Portal and that may be applicable at every time, the use of certain services or requests addressed to TeamEQ are subject to prior completion of the corresponding User registration.

All the information provided by the User through Portal forms to the above effects or any other, shall be true. For this purpose, the User guarantees the authenticity of all data provided and shall keep the information provided to TeamEQ perfectly updated so that it shall respond to the actual situation of the User at every time. In any event, the User shall be the only responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for the damage caused to TeamEQ or to third parties for the information it has provided.


The Internet user who wants to introduce links from its own websites to the Portal shall comply with the requirements listed below and in any events the ignorance of said requirements shall not avoid any liabilities under the Law:

  • The link shall only connect to the home page or the Portal home page but shall not reproduce it in any way (inline links, copying texts, graphics, etc).
  • In all cases it shall be prohibited, in accordance with applicable law and general law in force at any time, to establish frames of any kind that may involve the Portal or may allow the display of the Content via Internet addresses other than the one of the Portal and, in any case, when they are viewed together with content external to the Portal so that: (I) it produces, or may produce, error, confusion or misleading in users about the true origin of the service or Contents; (II) it involves an act of comparison or unfair imitation; (III) it serves to exploit the brand reputation and prestige of TeamEQ; or (IV) otherwise it may be prohibited by current legislation.
  • From the page that introduces the link no false, inaccurate or incorrect statement on TeamEQ, its partners, employees, customers or about the quality of the services provided, shall be made.
  • In no event it shall be expressed in the page where the link is located, that TeamEQ has agreed the inclusion of the link or that otherwise it sponsors, collaborates, verifies or supervises the services of the sender.
  • The use of any word, graphic or mixed mark or any other distinguishing mark of TeamEQ within the page of the sender is strictly forbidden, except for the cases permitted by law or expressly authorized by TeamEQ and, in these cases, insofar as a direct link to the Portal in the manner prescribed in this clause is allowed.
  • The page containing the link shall comply with the law and shall not i any case provide with or link to own or third parties content that: (i) may be unlawful or contrary to moral standards and good practice (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (II) induces or may induce the User to the false impression that TeamEQ subscribes, supports, adheres or in any other way supports the ideas, statements or expressions, lawful or unlawful, of the sender; (III) is inappropriate or irrelevant to the activity of TeamEQ regarding the place, content and subject of the sender’s website.



The access to the Portal does not entail the obligation by TeamEQ to verify the truthfulness, accuracy, suitability, completeness and updating of information provided through it.

TeamEQ is not liable for the decisions taken from the information provided in the Portal or for the damages caused to the User or third parties for actions that are only based on information obtained on the Portal.


The access to the Portal does not involve the obligation by TeamEQ to control the absence of any viruses, worms or any other malicious software. It is up to the User, in any case, the availability of adequate tools to detect and disinfect harmful computer programs. TeamEQ is not liable for any damages caused to the computers of Users or third parties during the provision of the service of the Portal.


The access to the Portal requires services and supplies from third parties, including transmission through telecommunication networks whose reliability, quality, continuity and operation does not correspond to TeamEQ. Accordingly, services provided through the Portal may be suspended, cancelled or made inaccessible, previously or simultaneously to the provision of service of the Portal.

TeamEQ is not liable for any damages of any kind that may be caused to the User resulting from failures or disconnections in telecommunication networks that may produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service at the moment of its provision or previously.


The access service to the Portal includes technical linking devices, directories and even searching tools that allow the User to have access to other pages and Internet portals (hereinafter, ‘Linked Sites’). In these cases, TeamEQ acts as a provider of brokerage services in accordance with Article 17 of Law 34/2002 of July 12, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (“LSSI ‘) and shall only be responsible for the contents and services provided on the Linked Sites to the extent it becomes aware of the illegality and has not disabled the link with due diligence. In the event that the User considers that there is a Linked Site with unlawful or inappropriate content it may inform TeamEQ according to the procedure and the purposes specified in clause 6, but in any case this notification shall entail the obligation to remove said link.

In no case, the existence of Linked Sites involves the existence of agreements with the holders or owners thereof, or the recommendation, promotion or identification of TeamEQ with declarations, content or services provided.

TeamEQ does not know the content and services of the Linked Sites and, therefore, it not liable for any damages caused by the unlawfulness, quality, unavailability, error or uselessness of the content and / or services of the Linked Sites or any other damages that are not directly attributable to TeamEQ.



THE EQ PROJECT INTERNATIONAL S.L. (TeamEQ), respects the legislation in force regarding the protection of personal data, the privacy of users and the secrecy and security of personal data. All our clients’ data will be treated in accordance with the principles of legality, loyalty and transparency, purpose limitation and retention period, data minimisation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality, among others, as well as respecting all other obligations and guarantees established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. For more information see our Privacy Policy.


In any of the electronic forms you will be asked for your express consent so that we can send commercial communications by any means, including e-mail or equivalent means of electronic communication, in accordance with Article 21 LSSI.


TeamEQ has the necessary technical and organisational measures in place to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the personal data provided, taking into account the state of the art of the technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.


In compliance with Article 22.2 LSSI, TeamEQ shall only use storage and data recovery devices (‘Cookies’) when the user has given prior consent to do so according to what indicated in the pop-up of the user’s browser when it has access to the portal for the first time and other terms and conditions outlined in the TeamEQ Policy of Cookies that every user should know.


All users have the right to obtain access to their personal information, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or to request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. In addition, you have the right to object to the processing of your data, to request the portability of your data or to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data. For more information about your rights and how to exercise them, see our Privacy Policy.


In the event that the User or any other Internet user becomes aware that Linked Sites refer to web pages whose content or services are unlawful, harmful, degrading, and violent or contrary to morality, it may contact TeamEQ and indicate the following data:

  1. a) Personal data of the informant: name, address, phone number and email address; b) Description of the facts that disclose the illegal or inappropriate nature of the Linked Site; c) In the event of infringement of rights, such as intellectual property rights, personal data of the holder of the rights infringed when it is someone different than the informant. Likewise, it shall also provide with the title that certifies the holder’s legitimate rights and, if applicable, the powers of representation to act on behalf of the owner when it is someone different than the informant; d) Express declaration stating that the information contained in the complaint is accurate.

Likewise, it shall also provide with the title that certifies the holder’s legitimate rights and, if applicable, the powers of representation to act on behalf of the owner when it is someone different than the informant; Express declaration stating that the information contained in the complaint is accurate.

The reception by TeamEQ of the notification under this clause shall not suppose in any case and in accordance with LSSI, the effective knowledge of the activities and / or contents indicated by the communicating party.


In the event that any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions is declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force, and shall be jointly construed according to the will of the parties.

Should TeamEQ not exercise any of the rights owned under these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and applicable law, this shall not be deemed in any case as a waiver of said rights by TeamEQ.


TeamEQ offers the User the address [email protected] for notification or contact for any questions or clarifications related to these General Terms and Conditions, together with the corresponding provisions of the section “Contact” available at the Web Site.


This Legal Notice is governed in all and every of its aspects by Spanish Law. In the event that Spanish legislation does not set forth a specific imperative forum for the parties, TeamEQ and the User, waiving to any other jurisdiction that may apply, do designate the courts of Barcelona to resolve any dispute between the parties arising from the General Terms and Conditions, Special Conditions if any and Privacy Policy.


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