Blog TeamEQ - There's no team (nor productivity) without trust

There’s no team (nor productivity) without trust

A recent survey of TeamEQ clients revealed that ‘Team performance’ was the field in which the platform has done most to support them over the last three months, with 80% of respondents putting it in top place. This clearly shows the link between trust and transparency and a team’s ability to reach, or exceed, their performance targets.

Google’s recent, large-scale two-year study on team performance revealed that the highest-performing teams have one thing in common: a feeling of trust and stability, as opposed to fear of failure and uncertainty. The significant impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on employees’ personal and work lives is leading to anxiety, frustration and burnout. If ignored, these feelings can affect a team’s productivity and engagement, leading to poor work quality, errors and eventually influencing an organization’s ability to survive in these difficult times.

Positive emotions like trust, curiosity, confidence and inspiration broaden the mind and help us build psychological, social, and physical resources. We become more open-minded, resilient, motivated, and persistent when we feel safe. Our mood improves, as does solution-finding and creativity — the cognitive processes that boost performance.


The first step to building trust. 

But trust can only come from the opportunity to express feelings openly alongside the ability to give and receive effective feedback. Team intelligence platforms like TeamEQ give leaders the opportunity to use data to monitor the situation of their teams, facilitate open dialogue and build a greater sense of trust. And, according to our survey, the impact of that on performance and results will soon become evident. 

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Here are some of the ways that TeamEQ can help to build trust and boost performance:

  • Improving engagement and facilitating communication. In order to meet performance goals, it is important that leaders set time aside to engage with employees and evaluate how tasks are progressing using platforms like TeamEQ.
  • Sensing employees’ need for support. By facilitating open and anonymous dialogue, TeamEQ can help leaders to identify those members of the team who need special attention.
  • Promoting dialogue to build understanding. To ensure communication efforts help engagement, leaders must have a two-way dialogue with employees. TeamEQ offers teams a space to express their views and swap insights.
  • Using objectives to create clarity. A direct link between individual performance and the achievement of business goals can boost employees’ confidence in the importance of their job, even in a challenging business environment. 
  • Reinforcing diversity and equality of opportunity. TeamEQ provides companies with a better perspective of their role in achieving the goal of equality in their workplace and members of the team with the feeling that they are part of a work environment that rewards talent, independently of other factors.  
  • Recognizing and acknowledging team efforts. Effective recognition not only motivates the recipient, but can serve as a strong signal to other employees of behaviors they should emulate. 
  • Promoting a sense of belonging and well-being. Well-being has the greatest impact on feelings of psychological safety. With TeamBeats, employees can measure the emotional health of their teams on a weekly, monthly or daily basis.


Trust & Transparency = Productivity. 

Our survey indicated that TeamEQ has a positive impact on the three key axes of performance: leadership, engagement and communication. Using data to monitor and improve those three fundamental aspects of performance will help a company to grow in a healthy and sustainable way.

As our organizations start to focus more on employees’ emotions related to the coronavirus pandemic to restore productivity and deliver on employee experience, a tool like TeamEQ could represent the difference between success and failure.

Discover how to build trust and boost performance in your team by taking a demo today.


Ph: Unsplash

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